Monday, February 6, 2012


While doing some research, I came across a page from a website called Ghost Source where every day people can go and post the stories of their personal experiences with ghosts and other entities.  This story in particular caught my eye because it reminded me of an experience I had at a family gathering a few weeks ago. 

We were at my aunts house celebrating my grandfather's 80th birthday, when my grandma told him to tell the family about the experience he had a few nights earlier.  As he began to tell his story, I noticed my dad and aunt glimpse at each other, as if they knew exactly where my grandfather was headed.  My grandpa wasn't more than a few seconds into his story before the two of them began finishing his sentences.

He said that he had woken up in the middle of the night, with the feeling that somebody was in his bedroom.  He glimpsed down at the foot of the bed and there was a shadow sitting there.  He said that the presence was so strong that he felt as if he needed to move his feet over to make room for the figure.  It sat on the foot of his bed for no longer than a minute, got up and left his room.  The next morning, he asked my grandmother if she had come into his room that night (they don't sleep in the same room because my grandpa's snoring keeps my grandma awake).  When she said she hadn't they both became worried that somebody, or something, else had been in the house with them. 

As I stated earlier, as my grandpa was retelling the events of that night, my dad and aunt were finishing his sentences, as if they had heard the story before.  They hadn't heard it before. They had lived it.  My dad began to explain that when they were younger, the same thing happened to he and my aunt at least one night a week.  They never told my grandparents about it, in fear that they would think that their children were crazy.  My father and aunt agreed that they would see three figures walking up the stairs (the way the bedrooms are situated, you can easily see the stair case from their beds).  They would stand at the landing at the top of the stairs, and look as if they were contemplating who would enter each of the rooms.  Then one of them would go into my aunt's room. It would hover at the top of the bed by her heads for a few moments, go and sit on the foot of the bed, and then leave and go do the same routine in my father's room.  It would then go back out into the landing and the figures would head back down the stairs.

My grandmother is the only person that has lived in that house and not had this experience.  When my grandfather slept in the same room as her, he did not have this experience either.  Now, he is staying in the room my dad had while he was living there, and this has happened to him three nights since he told us his story. 

We don't know who these figures are - or were - but we do know that they have some connection to my grandparent's house, and particularly the two children's bedrooms.

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