Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why They Hang Around

Many people find it difficult to understand why a spirit would not simply "move on" after death.  According to this article, there are many reasons for this, and often times it is necessary to understand a spirits reason for lingering before it is possible to figure out why they are inhabiting a particular place.

Often times, spirits can move back and forth between their world and the living world.  They tend to make their presence known in times of stress, in hopes of comforting the ones they left behind.  They don't want to see their loved ones in despair, so they try to send signs and surround us with love.  These ghosts choose to stay behind, but for others, the choice is not theirs.  They simply can't move on to the other side. 

So, here are 10 reasons spirits may choose to "hang around":

1. Trauma: If a person dies suddenly, it may be difficult for the spirit to accept the fact that it is no longer living.  It may not understand that it is no longer connected to its human body. 

2. Skepticism and Atheism: WATCH OUT SKEPTICS!! A lack of a belief system tends to make it difficult for a spirit to move on.  Since skeptics and atheists spend their living lives believing that there is nothing for them after death, they have trouble dealing with the fact that they are, in fact still around and aware of what is happening in the living world.

3. Unfinished Business: Sometimes, spirits need to finish something before they can move on.  The desire to send a message to a loved one left behind is one of the most powerful reasons for lingering. 

4. Protection:A spirit may feel that a loved on earth needs protection from something.  Think about a parent who passes and wants to make sure no harm comes to his or her children.

5. Love: A spirit may be unwilling to leave behind a strong bond with a living person.  When they feel that they are able to leave the bond behind, they can move on. Hello!! - take a look at the final scene with Sam and Molly in the movie "Ghost."

6. Hate: A spirit holding onto resentment, anger, and hatred may find it difficult to move past the living world.

7. Fear: People who lived a life with a rigid belief system may be fearful of judgement and punishment, and will therefore not cross over.

8. Familiarity: A spirit may not feel the need to move on simply because it feels comfortable with its loved ones on earth.  A spirit like this will hang around for a few years before it is finally able to leave.

9. Curiosity: Some spirits stick around to know what happens.  They're interested in what will happen at their funeral - who will come? what will they say?  These are the people that were very involved in earthly activities and are just not willing to give it up. 

10.  Revenge: A spirit may want to seek revenge on the person responsible for their death or someone who had cheated them in their life- who wouldn't want to see their murderer get punished?!  Some may simply be envious of those still living and wish to seek revenge on them for not being the ones who passed. 

Whatever the reason for a spirit to stay in the living world, it is important to understand that the decision to move on is the spirit's alone.  They must choose when it is their time to "go towards the light."  No living person can make a spirit choose to leave, and attempting to do so may be dangerous. 

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